
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP

 Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP
Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP

Description du produit

Mit diesem LNB haben Sie die Möglichkeit am vergoldeten Anschluss bis zu 4 unicable-taugliche Receiver zu betreiben. Zusätzlich verfügt das LNB über zwei weitere Ausgänge für Receiver ohne Unicable.

Inverto BLACK Unicable QUAD+TWIN LNB A98240 is designed for use in modern SAT TV systems distributing signal via one Inverto BLACK Unicable: Code: A98240: Low ,INVERTO Black Unicable Quad,Inovovaný LNB Inverto Black Unicable Quad umoní pipojení a 6 jednotunerových pijíma.,Unicable Quad, 2 Legacy Products List. Inverto Dishes Black Pro 90CM. Inverto Ultra LNBs Black Ultra Single Black Ultra Twin Black Ultra Quad Black Ultra Quattro.,This LNB is a member of the innovative and award winning Unicable LNB series (single cable solution). It was specifically designed for the European DTH markets and ,Découvrez des commentaires utiles de client et des classements de commentaires pour sur Lisez des commentaires honnêtes et non biaisés sur les produits ,Inverto BLACK Unicable QUAD+TWIN LNB A98240 is designed for use in modern SAT TV systems distributing signal via one coaxial cable to up to four receivers supporting ,Welcome to Inverto products Unicable Quad 40mm LNB, 2 Legacy Main Features: Low Phase Noise, , Inverto Ships Entropic-Based Unicable Multi-Switch to a Major Satellite 18.04.2013 - SES, Inverto, BLACK Ultra LNBs reviewed and awarded by ,Technical Data Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP: Mit diesem LNB haben Sie die Möglichkeitam vergoldetenAnschluss bis . zu 4 unicable-taugliche , Petits prix et livraison gratuite dès 15 euros d'achat sur les produits Inverto. Commandez Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP

Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP: Amazon Petits prix et livraison gratuite dès 15 euros d'achat sur les produits Inverto. Commandez Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP

Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL41-UNI2L-1PP | HM-Sat
Technical Data Inverto Black Unicable Quad IDLP-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP: Mit diesem LNB haben Sie die Möglichkeitam vergoldetenAnschluss bis . zu 4 unicable-taugliche

Inverto - Home
Inverto Ships Entropic-Based Unicable Multi-Switch to a Major Satellite 18.04.2013 - SES, Inverto, BLACK Ultra LNBs reviewed and awarded by

Unicable Quad 40mm LNB, 2 Legacy (1 splitter*)
Welcome to Inverto products Unicable Quad 40mm LNB, 2 Legacy Main Features: Low Phase Noise,

Inverto BLACK Unicable QUAD+TWIN LNB A98240 is designed for use in modern SAT TV systems distributing signal via one coaxial cable to up to four receivers supporting : Commentaires en ligne : Inverto Black Unicable
Découvrez des commentaires utiles de client et des classements de commentaires pour sur Lisez des commentaires honnêtes et non biaisés sur les produits

Inverto Black Unicable Quad - 40mm - Inverto
This LNB is a member of the innovative and award winning Unicable LNB series (single cable solution). It was specifically designed for the European DTH markets and

DMM-TV | Inverto
Unicable Quad, 2 Legacy Products List. Inverto Dishes Black Pro 90CM. Inverto Ultra LNBs Black Ultra Single Black Ultra Twin Black Ultra Quad Black Ultra Quattro.

INVERTO Black Unicable Quad - INTER SAT
INVERTO Black Unicable Quad,Inovovaný LNB Inverto Black Unicable Quad umoní pipojení a 6 jednotunerových pijíma.

Inverto BLACK Unicable QUAD+TWIN LNB A98240 is designed for use in modern SAT TV systems distributing signal via one Inverto BLACK Unicable: Code: A98240: Low

Détails sur le produit

  • Rang parmi les ventes : #299187 dans High-tech
  • Marque: Inverto

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